All section line easements that cross private lots have been vacated and can not be used as legal access. Click here for a copy of the platted and recorded vacation document.
Access within the subdivision is along dedicated, platted roads. In most cases, the roads are recognized on paper only and have not been physically developed. Click here for subdivision maps. Following is a description of right of way and trail development in the subdivision:
- Ridge Trail: The Ridge Trail is a dedicated, legal easement not platted on the subdivision survey. The Ridge Trail runs generally in a north/south direction connecting the Mile 118.2 trail to Hugo Loop on the east side of September Lake (the largest of lakes in the subdivision). The Ridge Trail is generally used in lieu of Hugo Loop on the east side within Section 2.
- Hugo Loop on the east side of the subdivision: The eastern side of Hugo Loop, within Section 36 and between Jerry Jeff Drive and Section 25, has been located. Generally, this is a unimproved trail with one area of boardwalk near the intersection of Crystal Clear Lane. Eastern Hugo Loop, within Section 25 (between the 120 parking lot trail and Cleveland Red Road) has been located and is being assessed for needed improvements. Click here for a map of the area. Click here for the corresponding coordinates for points along the right of way.
- Western Hugo Loop: The western side of Hugo Loop, in the southern part of the subdivision west of Lake September has been improved with a boardwalk. The northern part of Hugo Loop on the west and north side of the subdivision has not been located or developed. No known summer trail exists.
- Jerry Jeff Drive: This right of way has been located from Hugo Loop to Laramie Drive. An unimproved trail exists along the most westerly portion of this right of way. Click here for a map of the area. Click here for the corresponding coordinates for points along the right of way.
- Laramie Drive: This right of way has been located. Some clearing of the right of way has been accomplished. Not much more than a foot path exists with needed improvements across creeks, etc. Click here for a map of the area. Click here for the corresponding coordinates for points along the right of way.
- Red Fox Road: Has not been located or developed. No known summer trail exists.
- Cleveland Red Road: The most north easterly portion of this right of way, where it intersects Hugo Loop, has been located. Work needs to be accomplished to locate the remaining portion of the right of way to provide LEGAL access to the lots along this right of way. Please note, the section line between Section 35 & Section 26 was vacated in 1980 and IS NOT a section line easement and does not provide legal access to Cleveland Red Road. Access across private property is considered trespass.
- Crystal Clear Lane: Crystal Clear Lane has been improved by relocating the bridge that crosses Trapper Creek to the legal right of way. There is also a boardwalk accessing the bridge from the east side. However, Crystal Clear does not yet continue on the west side to the intersection of West Hugo Loop. Steep terrain needs to be addressed.
- Whispering Woods Ave: This right of way is located and currently being improved with boardwalk and gravel.
- Little Bit Lane: A dedicated public easement exists just south of this location and connects the Mile 118.2 trail to Little Bit Lane and the west side of Trapper Creek. The HOA has constructed a bridge to cross Trapper Creek.
- Scrimshaw Street: This right of way has been located and is being improved with boardwalk. More work is needed in this area.
Note: All maps & data are unofficial; they are for informational purposes and have not been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information.